It is a hard and heavy day to be hosting Haveil Havalim, but I'm up to the challenge, and I hope that the wisdom and insight into all things Jewish blogging brings you a little light on this day, the ten-year anniversary of the horrors of September 11, 2001 in New York City, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania in which nearly 3,000 people were killed. Huge, heaping spoonful of sigh, folks.
Check out Hadassah's Ground Zero - stream of consciousness over on In the Pink, or read my Where Were You on 9/11? here on the blog. I'm guessing there will be more reflective 9/11 pieces up on next week's blog, and I pray that nothing happens over the next week that necessitates more reflection and mourning.
So what is Haveil Havalim?
Founded by Soccer Dad, Haveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs — a weekly collection of Jewish and Israeli blog highlights, tidbits and points of interest collected from blogs all around the world. It’s hosted by different bloggers each week and coordinated by Jack.And with that, let us begin!
I've decided to start out with Torah entries, including Refining the sparks within the nations posted at A Chassidishe fabrengen, and the Velveteen Rabbi gives us The vidui prayer of Yom Kippur -- and of every night. Oh my gosh, Yom Kippur is so soon that people already are blogging about it?! Gasp!
History entires were weak this week, considering, but because I find the topic of history to be quite broad, I'm going to expand what I include here. The one official submission came from Batya at me-ander with Jerusalem's Old Train Tracks, which comes with some interesting photos.
In Culture, presents Jerusalem of Golden Ale, a look at an Israeli beer fest, and, because I'm equal opportunity, I wanted to include some Food posts, which falls into culture, right? So we have a review of St. Dalfour's Raspberry & Pomegranate Jam and LU's Granenbiscuits Milk-Chocolate Coated Time Out Cookies over at Isreview. gets creative with Bissli Schnitzel, which I have to say sounds amazing. I just have to find some of the gluten-free kind! Also at is a video on how to braid round challah -- just in time for Rosh HaShanah.
Israel seems to always get the most entries with Haveil Havalim, and I think that's great! So what do we have? Shiloh Musings submitted Authentic voices from Gush Katif, which discusses an "excellent reference site for English speakers seeking to understand what happened in Gush Katif before the Expulsion and with the expellees after the expulsion." Also at Shiloh Musings, Batya offers Israel Tries Too Hard For Peace and "Where Are We?" Ask the Confused Trolley-Jerusalem Light Rail Passengers, where she looks at the reality that the light rail does, in fact, wind through upper middle-class Arab neighborhoods, and Jewish Authority in the Land of Israel also is at Shiloh Musings.
Also in Israel, Yoel Meltzer gives us Déjà vu in Israel on the social protests, and Tomer Devorah offers An Indictment of the National Religious Public.
Israel meets Politics with Over 410,000 Israelis Demonstrate -- Celebrate -- For Social Justice at offering a personal video, podcast, and pictorial account of the Tel Aviv demonstration. (And, can I just add, it's killing me that I can't change "over" to "more than." Ugh.)
More Israel goods come in the form of Religion and State in Israel - September 5, 2011 (Section 1) and Religion and State in Israel - September 5, 2011 (Section 2) posted at Religion and State in Israel.
More Israel goods come in the form of Religion and State in Israel - September 5, 2011 (Section 1) and Religion and State in Israel - September 5, 2011 (Section 2) posted at Religion and State in Israel.
New Soldiers « The Real Jerusalem Streets, posted at The Real Jerusalem Streets's Blog, discusses the disconnect between general opinion versus the media and UN's criticisms of the IDF.
And, on a happy Israel ending note is a post on the New: MAchat - Ma'ale Adumim English Speakers Community Website posted at Good News from Israel.
For a cross from Personal to Judaism, we have The Rebbetzin's Husband asking "What should go into a rabbi's opening derashah, his first speech to his new shul?" in A Rabbi's first speech? Also from The Rebbetzin's Husband comes "Things people say on their deathbeds." Home Shuling discusses Rosh HaShanah books in Praising our children, loving our children. (An encore performance). Also on the crossover is Black, Gay, and Jewish with "Please, for tzedakah," a post that has got me thinking about prayer. Life in the Married Lane has another installment in her Women Who Inspire Us series, too.
In Judaism, Adventures in Mama-Land is prepping for Rosh HaShanah with FREE ראש השנה / Rosh Hashanah Colouring Pages & Activities!
For a cross from Personal to Judaism, we have The Rebbetzin's Husband asking "What should go into a rabbi's opening derashah, his first speech to his new shul?" in A Rabbi's first speech? Also from The Rebbetzin's Husband comes "Things people say on their deathbeds." Home Shuling discusses Rosh HaShanah books in Praising our children, loving our children. (An encore performance). Also on the crossover is Black, Gay, and Jewish with "Please, for tzedakah," a post that has got me thinking about prayer. Life in the Married Lane has another installment in her Women Who Inspire Us series, too.
You can find Rabbi Kanefsky and “…shelo asani isha” posted at To Kiss A Mezuzah and Friendly Voices From the Family "Vinyard" posted at me-ander.
Majoring in Zionism, Torah Style can be found over at Shiloh Musings, and Ima2seven tries a new approach to Elul with her kids in An Elul Experiment... posted at Ima 2 Seven.The awesomely titled How to Make a Fantasy Football League Draft Holy can be found over at To Kiss A Mezuzah.
I want to end this carnival with one submission, from Hadassah, as well as a huge push for a friend's organization.
Hadassah submitted I'm a Pain in the Neck - Surgery Needed, which discusses her impending Monday surgery to fix some serious neck problems she's been having. I'm asking all of you to have Hadassah in mind Monday morning and throughout her recovery process. She's my Yiddishe Mama, and I love her more than words!
The push for a friend's organization? Well, that involves The G-d Project, which houses mini-documentaries on G-d, Judaism, and spirituality. The project is the work of the awesome folks behind, and they are launching ONE HUNDRED videos tomorrow (that's Monday, September 12), and I need you to Tweet, Facebook, Blog, and do whatever you can to get the word out on this amazing project. The diversity of insights will blow your mind, I promise.
Be sure to submit for next week's Haveil Havalim over on the carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.