Although I have much to write about, especially after finishing If All the Seas Were Ink, I want to keep this short and sweet as I have much to do this evening. Here is my Shabbat in a series of Haikus:
Sleep? I try so hard.
Toss and turn, flip and groan. Sigh.
My mind does not stop.
A quiet morning.
Kids at shul with Mister T.
Head in a book -- peace.
I promise myself
when they return I will breathe
and stay calm, happy.
The plata? Not on.
Looks like lasagna will wait.
Lox, cream cheese it is.
The whirlwind arrives,
overwhelming my senses.
I embrace crazy.
Everyone naps now.
Fast, I put head to pillow.
A cry -- poor timing.
Finishing a book
feels like fresh, warm laundry
on my skin at last.
The sky turns black-blue.
The flame flickers bright before
spices are inhaled.
Shavua tov, you.
You who dreams of eternal
shabbat and shalom.
And that, friends, is Shabbat in Haikus with Chaviva. Shavua tov!