I decided last week at synagogue that I would no longer do anything work related on Shabbat. You're probably wondering what I was doing working on the weekend anyway, but my job is sort of a 24/7 effort, in order to keep the man (the professor) happy. But no longer will I come home from synagogue to answer his silly questions and requests. No sir. It's Shabbat, darn't. And it shall be treated as such!
I still get on the computer and flop from site to site and heck, even update my blog. I also manage to send some personal e-mails. But that isn't work. On the upside, I never have to turn my computer on :) I wonder if there's something written by the rabbis about how clicking a mouse is work ... though, since I have a laptop ... it isn't so much clicking as tapping!
Since it's beautiful here today, I'm going to trek over to Wicker Park and get my read on. I'm almost done with Dara Horn's "The World to Come" ... and boy oh boy do I have a smashing review to give it. Then, I'm *finally* going to read Chaim Potok's "The Chosen" -- lended to me by a coworker's wife. She's interested in Christian studies, I believe, but has some stellar Judaic studies selections. Edit: But not before I give Abraham J. Heschel some more love ...
Enjoy the long weekend, folks. The next one won't come for a while!