In case you were worried about me having enough to do as I get ready to start grad school (which means loads of free time, right?), I've taken on another blogging duty! Yes, folks, I'm now helping the blog effort over on Pop Judaica's blog. The Pop Judaica website sells all sorts of kitschy cool things for hip and worldly Jews (from tots to your bubbe) -- I've even blogged on some of the neat-o merchandise in past pots.
The blog will keep you up to date on a variety of happenings, including a Bar Mitzvah in China, which I just blogged on! Stay tuned for more Pop Judaica blog tidbits, and spread the word. Chavi is taking on the interwebs by storm! Join the revolution :)
If you're looking for me elsewhere on the net, well, I'm over at and, not to mention on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, BrightKite, Flickr, and more. Yes, I'm everywhere.
And also, I'll be taking part in First International Jewish Bloggers Convention via the web on August 20 (assuming I'm settled in by then). To register, check out the site here. Frum Satire will be doing his schtick and there will be a bounty of well-known J-Bloggers on site for panel discussions, including Treppenwitz, Jewlicious, IsraelMatzav and Hirhurim, and the beautiful J-Blogging moderator, Esther K.