This, the fourth installment of the “36 Under 36” list, highlights the dedicated lay leaders who are reordering our legacy organizations alongside community activists and social justice crusaders whose startups are chock-full of innovation.Unfortunately, I couldn't find any copies of the newspaper in Teaneck, despite going to every single place on Cedar Lane. Supposedly some folks are keeping copies for me, so phew on that note.
Last year I wrote about my awesome friend Susanne, who was named on last year's list as a social media rockstar. I haven't had the time yet to sit down and completely devour the list of amazing people I'm listed with, including many rabbis, but I'll get to it. After all, I should be adding these people on Facebook and Twitter and making sure there's a massive meeting of the minds. Between this and the impending visit to the 2011 ROI Summit in Israel, I'm on top of the world.
The question is: Can I live up to the hype?