Set around the days of Yom Kippur, Tickling Leo is a contemporary drama that follows three generations of one Jewish family whose secrets threaten to wipe away its future. When he loses touch with his estranged father, Zak Pikler (Daniel Sauli) and his pregnant girlfriend Delphina (Annie Parisse) travel to an abandoned Catskills lake where the eccentric poet Warren Yitzchak Pikler (Lawrence Pressman) is living in solitude and declining health. As Zak copes with his father's dementia, Delphina inadvertently uncovers a secret the Piklers have been hiding since World War II: an impossible sacrifice they made in order to join Rudolph Kasztner’s controversial train out of Hungary.I'm happy to announce that the film will be opening in New York on September 4, 2009, and locations can be found on their website. So if you're in the area, you should most definitely make plans to be THERE (after Shabbat, of course). If you can't make it out, the DVD will also be going on sale around the same time with plenty of extra and fascinating features, so head to Did I mention Mary Stuart Masterson (of "Fried Green Tomatoes" and "Benny and Joon") is one of the producers? Expect quality folks! Once again, the trailer:
Monday, August 17, 2009
Tickling Leo!
I wrote a while back about a new movie coming out -- Tickling Leo. The film won the 2009 Jury Award for Best Feature at the 2009 Stony Brook Film Festival!From the makers of the film: