I'll admit it: I'm overwhelmed by the responses to my Holocaust Museum post. I have to sit down and compose some proper responses to the outpouring of emotion and sentiments. I am so lucky it was read, processed, and appreciated!
But today? We celebrate the creation of the state of Israel. Thinking back to the horrors of the Holocaust, pogroms, and great catastrophes of history, we don't have to ask "What if?" in regards to their being a state of refuge for the Jewish people. At least, we don't have to ask with as much force and urgency (after all, although we have a state, the world still doesn't see Jews and Israel in the way it probably should sometimes). But today, we thank HaShem, and those countries and peoples that support and recognize Israel as existing with a right to exist!
Yom Haatzmaut Sameach!
And now? I'm going to go eat some food and rejoice with the community!