Ahh, the traditional Ashkenazi-style stuff: beans, potatoes, meat, and barley. (Gluten free, I rock rice or quinoa.) |
Founded by Soccer Dad, Haveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs -- a weekly collection of Jewish and Israeli blog highlights, tidbits and points of interest collected from blogs all around the world. It's hosted by different bloggers each week and coordinated by Jack. The term "Haveil Havalim," which means "Vanity of Vanities," is from Qoheleth, (Ecclesiastes) which was written by King Solomon. King Solomon built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other "excesses" and realized that it was nothing but "hevel" (or in English, "vanity").I know, right? Super exciting. So I get all of the submissions (three per blogger's the rule!) via the entry form and sort them out and, sometimes, add a bit of commentary, so let's begin.
Grab-Bag Posts!
RickisMom presents Motivation, Discipline, and Willpower posted at Beneath the Wings, saying, the post is a bit personal, but also a bit of teshuva and how we all change.Mazal tov to Allison Josephs & Jew in the City in honor of JITC Turning 3! at Jew In The City! Also over at Jew in the City is If I Could Turn Back Time: Teshuvah - the Only Way to Turn Back Time.
You can find a "cynical" set of haikus over at the Selichos Haiku Rant, as well as some Gifts to give your Rabbi posted at The Rebbetzin's Husband.
A binder by any other name by Mrs. S is posted at Our Shiputzim: A Work In Progress.
Ooo! Sephardic cholent. All crazy with the eggs. |
Jacob offers up a video with 25 new Hebrew words around the house over at Good News from Israel.Israel
Joel Katz presents Religion and State in Israel (Section 1) and Religion and State in Israel (Section 2) posted at Religion and State in Israel.Have I Been Mistaken for a Head of Insect-free Lettuce? is up over at Shiloh Musings.
Hadassa DeYoung presents Have I Been Mistaken for a Head of Insect-free Lettuce? posted at Shiloh Musings in which she discusses "uprooting." I'd recommend checking out this post for the comments!
Jewish music
A Jewish Music Insider presents Why do you buy a CD? posted at Jewish Blogmeister. And Risa offers Women and Prayers at IsramomJudaism
Lady-Light presents Kaparot with Chickens: Custom or Cruelty? posted at Tikkun Olam, asking, "Is this religious and holy, or merely superstitious?"On Shiloh Musings, Batya presents Israelis Prepare for the Three Day Rosh Hashannah Onslaught, as well as Kol Nidre, Wiping The Slate.
The illustrious Gruven Reuven reflects on his son's taking-on of computers and his own plan of study with Computers and Chassidus at Gruven Reuven.
Elianah-Sharon presents Fill 'Er Up! and The Days of Awe over on Irresistibly Me.
The illustrious Notorious R.A.V. presents My Big, Fat, Middle Aged, Facebook Elul: Teshuva Meets Social Media posted at The Notorious R.A.V. If you read a single post from this carnival, I recommend you read this one, which is chock full of reflection and analysis about who we were and who will are.
Rabbi Oliver presents The Moshiach paradox: Preparing and praying at A Chassidishe farbrengen.
Food Before the Fast by Batya can be found over at me-ander.
Rachel Barenblat presents More Yom Kippur resources: video, liturgy, song posted at Velveteen Rabbi.
A wasted life? Yechezkel offers a message for Yom Kippur with The Most Terrible Crime a Human Being Can Commit posted at Achas L'Maala V'Sheva L'Matta.
Another hearty mazal tov, this time to Batya, who has a new granddaughter! Check it out at Thank G-d! A Baby Girl!! and Bitter Sweet posted at me-ander.Elianah-Sharon presents The Top Five Steps of Crisis Management posted at Irresistably Me.
Everyone's favorite Yiddishe Mama, Dass, presents a very personal and thoughtful Forgiveness is Freeing over on In the Pink.
And, lastly, blog newcomer Ally presents Modesty: My Personal Journey posted at "Modestly Fashioned" in which she explains what brought her to tzniut. As a huge fan of Ally's awesome style, I recommend reading this post to get the 411 on how she got there.
If you're interested in submitting a post to Haveil Havalim, use the carnival submission form and stay tuned for future blog carnival posts, which, in addition to past posts, can be found on the blog carnival index page.
I hope you all had a meaningful and easy fast (I spent most of the day sick and in bed) and that cholent, truly, is the last thing on your mind! Shavua Tov and Shanah Tovah!