I woke up this morning after only clocking about five hours of sleep (but a really good five hours) to go to the Old South Pearl Street Farmers Market in Denver. I walked away with some delicious tomatoes, zucchini, and cucumbers, as well as a delicious gluten-free lemon bar from my favorite joint Watercourse/City O City. I was tantalized by homemade truffels and gluten-free candied nuts, and that's the tough world we live in. The nice thing is, according to Colorado law, you can now make and sell goods straight from your home. It has me wondering -- should I parlay myself into the world of kosher, gluten-free baking and selling?
So, here's a photo narrative of the past few hours.
Well, first thing's first, I checked my mail from yesterday and awesome of awesome ... my official U.S. Trademark Certificate came in! I'm official! That means if someone decides to squat on a bunch of websites using my trademark, I can get them easy peasy!Big dog (or is it a bear?) meets little dog. I think they like each other.
I don't think I've ever heard of "Grass Fed Cows" -- usually it's Grass-Fed Beef. But seriously, it's a cow, not beef, when it's being fed, right?
I swoon for the poet, and this guy is amazing. I mean, Poet for Hire? Coolest hipster European thing on the planet, no doubt. So I told him I'd give him $3 to write me a poem about penguins.
Mere moments later, he produced this, and although he only had $1 change, I let him keep the $4. I mean, he made a reference to Morgan Freeman. That's worth $1, right? Find him online: Untouched Poetry.
A Farmers Market is no farmers market without some food trucks, especially in Colorado. If there's one thing we love (wow, I said we, it's official), it's the ability to get food from the window of some super-sized (sometimes poorly) painted truck. Today's offerings included OG Burger (lo kasher!) and Quiero Arepas (gluten-free option, but not kosher). I think I've been inspired to make my own arepas!
At what age do you tell your dog to leave his teddy at home?
Grass Fed Cows present the Peyton Manning. Yes, folks, Colorado is STOKED for the Manning.
There are a lot of dogs out here. In fact, I even saw the dog that I intend to get some day -- an Airedale Terrior. Assuming I can verify that it's (whoa, I almost wrote gluten-free, but I promise I don't eat dogs) hypoallergenic. But these two dogs? Well, they looked more like bears. Cute, cuddly, rip-your-face-off bears.
And now? Well, now I'm parked at Stella's -- it's my happy place, where I sit on a patio filled with dogs and people under canopies of trees and soak in a bit of tangential sunshine. Coffee, books, my computer, bliss. I hope y'all are having a great Sunday!