Sunday, August 26, 2007


Some Christian-Jewish news.

1) A rabbi was fired after marrying a Protestant ... pastor! (Click here.) But if she discovered that she has Jewish roots there, wouldn't there be the chance that she is -- in the shul's eyes -- Jewish regardless of her Protestant affiliation? The article doesn't detail this, which sucks. Either way, though, it sucks.

2) In another, more positive realm of Christian-Jewish relations, a French cardinal had kaddish read at his funeral, since, well, he was Jewish. (Click here.) The sort of heart-wrenching part? The man who read kaddish was his cousin, who survived the Holocaust. Even more sad? The cardinal's mother died at Auschwitz, and he converted at the age of 14 after being sent away from Paris during the Nazi reign. It was an important gesture though, and I admire that he requested it. Once a Jew always a Jew, no matter how much one tries to shed the identity and past.