Wednesday, February 6, 2008

YES, We Can.

It's been a long time since something moved me as much as this. Barack Obama -- or his speechwriters or the combination of both -- have a vision of beauty with the finesse of words. The thing is, many say that Barack Obama is doing little but spew promises of "hope." And they think this is wrong, it's not enough, it can't bring about the true change this country needs. But I think if there is something this country has been mostly devoid of for a long, long time, perhaps since JFK, it's hope. The idea that there is something better. The idea that there is a different way to exist. And in my mind, and in my experience, Obama is the best option for that in the present set of candidates. He says Yes, we can repair this world -- Tikkun Olam! So watch the video, listen to the words, listen to the language, listen to the excitement, the passion, the hope in the words "Yes, We Can." --- כן אנחנו יכולים

And a quick MAZEL tov to Beth and her now-fiance S on their recent engagement! I'm so excited for you guys :)