"More Beloved by Gd is a documentary exploration of converts, conversion to Judaism and what the newest Jews bring to the Jewish people. Through this lens, the film will examine the very human need for spirituality."Those featured in the trailer are of varied backgrounds -- an Italian Catholic, an Africa-American (Yitz!), a mother of a young child, a woman named Rain, etc. It most definitely looks like a varied group of individuals with a lot to say about their experiences, and I'm pretty excited to see how the film turns out. Though, I can't seem to find anything about WHEN the movie is coming out. I guess I'll just have to wait with breath bated!
Monday, July 14, 2008
More Beloved by G-d.
Color me stoked! Thanks to Aliza (of ye olde Jewminicana blog), a new documentary has been brought to my attention, and it's called More Beloved by G-d. You can view the trailer for it by clicking here. (I'd embed, but unfortunately that feature is disabled on YouTube, so click the link!) It's directed by Laura Wiessen, and the little blurb on YouTube says: