D'var Torah? Alas, no. I heard many great d'vars on Friday at the rabbi's house and afterwards at the "pickles and vodka" that some of the students do on occasion, but I'm up to the challenge of iterating their brilliance. What I am up to right now -- amid attempting Hebrew and boatloads of reading -- is noting a few websites I think you should take a gander at. The Jewish blog-o-sphere is about a lot of things, but one of them is connections, making these connections, and supporting the atmosphere we've built and continue to build here on the intertubes. As a funny aside, I mentioned at Shabbos dinner on Friday that I was a blogger and one of the guests says "No, no, no ... you can't just say 'I'm a blogger' and leave it at that. What kind of blogger are you!?" to which I replied, "A Jewish blogger?" This pleased him, and it got me thinking about blogs and how big the Jewish blogging community is. It's quite a community -- made up of secular Jews, ultra-Orthodox Jews, Humanist Jews, Reconstructionist Jews, and Bu-Jews. The variety is endless, from Jewish food blogs to Jewish mom blogs to halakhic and d'var Torah blogs. It's a beautiful thing, and I love watching it grow.
+ Tuvia has started up a blog, and to be honest, he definitely has a really interesting perspective. He grew up going to Jewish day school, suffered the classic "force-fed" view on things, and he has now learned to appreciate what an upbringing like that can do, especially as he returns to his Judaism religiously. He just started up, and we all know how hard it is to get started. Go say hello over at FollowingMyJudaism.com.
+ Menachem Mendel posted a link to the University at Albany's Guide to Resources in Rabbinic Literature, and it's a pretty comprehensive and useful list. There are links to websites with study materials and Talmudic texts, too.
+ The newest edition of Haveil Havalim is up over on SuperRaizy. Appropriately, it's the Superhero Edition!