There is art. There is art that some find offensive. There's art that's fun and religious and passionate. There's photography. There's pictures my friends take and there's me looking a little crazy, but having fun. There's me with a menorah, a symbol in Judaism. A light, a memory. And this? This is not offensive. It's fun. It's creative. And it was a piece in a series of portraits where each person had a cigarette used in a different way with a symbol of something that represented themselves. Me? Menorah. Cigarettes? For the series. I don't smoke. I smoked once and it made me gag, for I have asthma. But for the series, I represented. Ignore how crazy I look and how long my hair is, mmk?
I think my face looks super pudgy in this photo. Whatever, I love it anyway. Maybe I'll write a book and it'll be the photo on the sleeve, eh? Thanks Kris and Alyssa (and also here) for the stellar work.