Christopher, I'm sorry!
As for me, I spent my evening at the Embassy of Israel listening to His Excellency Ambassador Daniel Ayalon speak to about 100 interns and myself about the events in Israel and Lebanon. It was brief and he only took a few questions, but it was pretty stellar to be in the embassy. I also ran into a group of interns with Sen. Ben Nelson's office, one of them a friend from high school who suffered through three years of French with me. It was pretty great to run into someone randomly in a place like this. So I was at the briefing with my Nebraskans and my tribe. Nice feeling. I don't feel like I got much out of it, only because the same things are being said over and over again. It's hard to get out of the scope of it all and get new info. It's quite frustrating. But anyhow, a stellar time. And that photo is of me outside Jerusalem Hall, where the briefing was. Thanks to Abby, an intern on the Hill, who took the photo for me. I look wretched, but so would you after standing in the D.C. heat for 45 minutes.